Will do you good.
Yes. It's a Cheryl Crow song.
But it's something we know instinctively but reject and fear daily. I've been dreading it for years now.
Thanks to many mentors, peers and those I've helped - I've gained the experience, perspective and most of all the courage to accept and make a little change in my life today.
No I'm not leaving my current gig - anyone who knows me knows I love it. But that's something I do for myself. My obsession and personal challenge.
I have accepted a faculty position, a part time teaching job at Georgian College.
I've had a chance to speak and teach on the subject - more recently thanks to the Humber Fundraising program, the Association of Fundraising Professionals and less recently the Canadian Association of Gift Planners who has had a huge impact on my career and life.
Thanks to all of the above and below this has become more of a love affair than just a career.
This teaching gig will allow me to empower others.
It will give me a chance to accelerate the missions of many charities.
In a small way it will allow me to give back and maybe shape the profession I deeply love.

I have strong beliefs on this sector.
This profession. Our shared future.
To pass on the many gifts of people I've studied under and watched, leaders in my community:
- The analytical power of Linda Pearson
- The process driven mind of Jill Nelson
- The magical positive productive world of Ann Rosenfield
- The Jerry McGuire of Planned Giving - Fraser Green
- Our mad scientist - David Love
- Our Captain Jack Sparrow - Ken Ramsay
- Our guardian angel, Dr. Pearce
- Mr. Hilborn, Hochstadt and Charters - Men of the printed word
- The many advisors in law ( Sweatman, Blumenfeld, Blumberg, Ponesse )
advised funds ( Ryan, Thorne, Burrows )
finance ( Two words - Ralph Smith! )
accounting ( Mr. Osborne, I do respect math )
and so many more who educated me in what they do so I can do what I do better...
And of course, our original Master and Commander
- Frank Minton and Lorna Somers....who gave me the time of day in my early years.
I once cornered well known financier Don Johnson in the washroom of a book launch to tell him that he was a rock star in my mind for his role in securities tax change...I should be thankful he doesn't carry mace..
So many of you gave of your experience and knowledge - I'm finally paying dividends on your investment. Thank you for making it.
Today, just like the person at the top of this tower.I realize I'm standing on the shoulders of many.
Thank you.
You have my humble gratitude.
This is a pretty damn cool opportunity.
Most of all, thank you Georgian College!
I'm joining another great team.
And look forward to the days ahead.
As Cheryl Crow would say. Every day is a winding road.
Ps. My wife isn't going to kill me. Yet.
We've had to adjust my weekly networking time allotment.
Sorry network, no more meetings after 5pm.
7am - 8:45am only.
Congratulations, Paul. Looks like there are 25 hours in your day :)