And we gathered to fete this milestone
Now, 2 years later, not satisfied to rest on their laurels they have re-launched Canada's charity and social-profit supersite in a 2.0 format - Digital blood, sweat and tears went into this and a bunch of us want to say congrats and celebrate this accomplishment!
Yes, this is an official "Nazevent" ( thanks CA )
So that means, come to connect, network, catch-up!

Although this is an "unofficial" event, several CV celebrities will be present - so exciting as I'm a life-long fan of their work and efforts to help the sector do our best.
BUT WAIT! There's more!

Spread the word - @charityvillage celebration ( hashtag #CV12 for the twitter-brigade ) June 12, 2012 at 6:30pm

Also, if you're one of these "should I come out" types the bottom line is this. I, Paul Nazareth bother you a lot. On LinkedIn, twitter and in person - I do so because my mission is to help you get what you want out of work and life. My mission is to serve you - here's a chance for me to use this network I've amassed, this "army of the passionate" as I refer to you - to do just that! Hold me to my promise...
Life is good? Come out and raise a glass. Help another.
Not so good? Have a drink with peers who get you. Be helped!
Need a new job? I got the hook up.
Want to hire the best? They're on the guest list.
Want to enter this awesome sector? BE THERE.
As always, surprises, prizes and I have a few more of those awesome LinkedIn workbooks around too..
See the Ocho.
I'm looking forward to this. Thanks for organizing it, Paul.